Willkommen beim OCTLab,
der unabhängigen Forschungsgruppe für OCT Technologie, Virtual Ophthalmology, Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und Robotics assoziiert mit der Augenklinik und der Universität Basel. OCT ist ein schonendes Laser-Mikroskop und wird eingesetzt bei der Diagnose und Beobachtung von Krankheiten wie Makuladegeneration, Glaucom (Grüner Star), Diabetes, Multipler Sklerose, Augen- und Hirntumoren.
Das OCTlab setzt die Forschungsresultate in klinische Anwendungen um und entwickelt neue Methoden zur Qualitätsverbesserung. Die Universität Basel wurde im Jahre 1460 gegründet und ist die älteste Universität der Schweiz.
Welcome to the OCTLab, the independent OCT research group for OCT technology, Virtual Ophthalmology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics affiliated with the Department of Ophthalmology and the University of Basel.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a new, non-invasive imaging technology that uses laser waves to detect pathologies in diseases as age related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), tumors of the eye or brain.
The OCTlab does applied research and Quality Assurance Studies in the field of optical coherence tomography and targets to save human vision. The University of Basel was founded in 1460 and is the oldest University in Switzerland.
Latest News
Feasibility and Safety of a Coaxial Dual Wavelength – Optical Coherence Tomography Apparatus – Doctor Thesis Luca Cedro, Dr. med.
Abstract - Congratulation to Dr Cedro for this great success! Purpose: To evaluate feasibility and...
New Frontiers in Noninvasive Analysis of Retinal Wall-to-Lumen Ratio by Retinal Vessel Wall Analysis
Abstract Purpose: To compare measurement of wall-to-lumen ratio (WLR) by means of high-resolution...
Comparison of Current Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Methods in Imaging Retinal Hemangioblastomas
Abstract Purpose: To compare spectral-domain (SD) and swept-source (SS) optical coherence...
Artificial intelligence in ophthalmology : Guidelines for physicians for the critical evaluation of studies
Abstract Background: Empirical models have been an integral part of everyday clinical practice in...
Novel biomarker of sphericity and cylindricity indices in volume-rendering optical coherence tomography angiography in normal and diabetic eyes: a preliminary study
Abstract Purpose: Preliminary to evaluate geometric indices (vessel sphericity and cylindricity)...